T H E    P O E T R Y    P R O J E C T  
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A Million Poems for Matariki 2010

North Shore, Otahuhu, Auckland Central City Library

Following the success of the 2009 Million Poems, projects were launched June-July 2010 to write poems for Matariki in Otahuhu and on the North Shore, then to bring readers and poems together in local libraries and at Auckland Central City Library.

The Poetry Project produced three poster designs and distributed copies to schools in both areas. Here is the call to action:

A Million Poems for Matariki aims to put poetry into public places in the community through June and July 2010. In parallel with celebrations for Matariki (Māori New Year), we invite schools to help generate poster poems that will be gathered for display in local communities and later archived online. Will we get a million poems into streets, shops, libraries, galleries and community centres? Can we put them into cyberspace for everyone to see as the stars of Matariki rise in our north-eastern skies? This is a project about how far poetry can go when it gets off the page and sets out into the world.
         Michele Leggott, NZ Poet Laureate 2008-09

North Shore

Poets Michele Leggott and Kelly Malone took Another Million Poems for Matariki to five schools on the North Shore 17-29 June 2010. Kapa haka, poems and stories came together 30 June at the Devonport Public Library with children reading poster poems and items by Belmont Primary and Takapuna Grammar kapa haka groups.

About 900 posters went on display in the school holidays in shops and community spaces from Devonport to Hauraki Corner, and in the Birkenhead Public Library. The posters will be bound and given to the Devonport Library.

Michele Leggott wrote a poem for each school visit during Another Million Poems for Matariki and the five poems were part of the display of poster poems at the Devonport Public Library.

Poster Poems

  • BPS - Belmont Primary School (17 June 2010)
  • BIS - Belmont Intermediate School (18 June 2010)
  • STL - St Leo’s Catholic Primary School (21 June 2010)
  • NC - Northcote College (23 June 20100
  • VPS - Vauxhall Primary School (29 June 2010)

Aimee Lewis Y6 BPS
Aleks Y1 VPS
Alfred Dennis VPS
Alisa Jaakkola Y7 BIS
Allie Y1 VPS
Amy Eriksen Y13 NC
Augustine Morgan-Guthrie BIS
Benjamin Daniells Y8 BIS
Blake Sharrow Y6 BPS
Caleb Y1 VPS
Casey Pilkington Y10 NC
Cole Manson Y5 VPS
Colette Morrison Y3 BPS
David Paligora Y7 BIS
Emma Cameron Y13 NC
Ezra Butler Y1 BPS
Finn Norton Y1 BPS
Frank Gore Y6 STL
Henry Watts Y7 BIS
Hugo Follas Y10 NC
Hunter Y2 BPS
India Yelich-O'Connor Y7 BIS
Isabella Ahlers Y8 BIS
Ishbel Y3 BPS
Jack B. Y1 STL
Jack Hart Y6 STL
Jacob M. Y1 VPS
Jada STL
Jasmine Daniel Y7 BIS
Jazz Brown Y10 NC
Jessica Watson Y10 NC
Jomar Wilson Y10 NC
Kauri Kaa Y1 BPS
Kyle Svensen Y8 BIS
Lauren Bremner Y4 V
Lauren Cymer Y7 BIS
Lee Dong Sun Y10 NC
Luke BIS
Luke Geers BIS
Maddy Frost 10 YNC
Maeva de Graaf Y10 NC
Max P & Jake S Y8 BIS
Rebecca Shepherd Y10 NC
Reuben Clinton Y3 STL
Ruby Porter Y13 NC
Ruthy Meshell VPS
Ryan Tan Y6 BPS
Saoirse STL
Sarah Ashley Y8 BIS
Scott Murphy Y4 STL
Seeking Lost...
Sharon Zhou Y6 BPS
Sophie Harkness Y8 BIS
Sounds in my...
Tamarau McGahan Y6 BPS
Tessa Forde Y13 NC
Veronique Simmonds Y3 STL
Vincent Moataane Y1 STL
Violet Y1 VPS
Zach Y3 STL


Michele’s poem



Poet Selina Tusitala Marsh and librarian Barry O’Callaghan took A Million Poems for Matariki to students of five schools in Otahuhu 22-30 June 2010. On the first day of workshops Selina was announced winner of the 2010 Jessie Mackay Best First Book of Poetry for her collection Fast Talking PI (Auckland UP, 2009). On the final day of workshops, students from McAuley College and Otahuhu College took over all the floor space at the Otahuhu Public Library.

About 270 poster poems were collected by the Library which displayed a selection of poems in the school holidays and plans to bind all posters as a resource for the community.


Poster poems


Matariki shines so bright..
The new moon June...
Matariki is the seven...
Silver stars on an inky...
Magical Night in the Sky
Diamond Matariki
Our Memorable Times
Kia Ora & Hello
The loving and caring...
I look up to the stars...
My Matariki Malaga
Graves (to my Dad)
Under the eyes of...
I am feasting upon...
My Dear Friend
A seedlings mind...
Along the great Ranginui's...
I call the fourth Tihei...
Marama's Mistake
The mixture of two...
The new moon of each...
Mata Ariki Matua
The bearing of new..
Fathers Love
Matariki / O foliga..
Fetu e tasi e pele..
Matariki, Papatuanuku
The June Moon
Kites across the sky
Kalo is something
Six sisters rising...
Mata-Ariki feasting
Matariki God's eyes


Selina's Poem


A Million Poems at the Library

Poets Paula Green, Michele Leggott, Kelly Malone, Selina Tusitala Marsh, Cilla McQueen and Robert Sullivan read Matariki poems with students from North Shore schools at Auckland Central City Library for NZ Post Poetry Day, Friday 30 July 2010


