Alofa go for da walk...walking walking Alofa find alofa everywhere in da
bush in da tree under da bush under da tree in da dark alofa...plenty alofa in
da dark.
Alofa go to church...Alofa singing to Jesus Alofa praying to Jesus...Jesus
bring me plenty alofa plenty money too Jesus make me win da bingo den I
make da big donation show my alofa to all da peoples in da church an show my
alofa to da faifeau too an everybodys say Alofa is da good kirl – she got so
much alofa.
Jesus love Alofa so Alofa win da bingo.
Alofa go to Apia...eating icecream eating pagikeke eating keke pua`a...alofa
on her fingers alofa on her shining lips Alofa smiling to all da peoples
Alofa smiling to all da boys especially all da mens especially.
And when da night is coming Alofa smell like da frangipani like da moso’oi
like da Impulse perfume come from Niu Sila and so many boys so many mens
Love Alofa
Love Alofa Love Alofa.
Alofa dancing in da Tropicana nightclub...all the fa’afafine watching to Alofa
Tisha, Sindy, Leilani, Tia, Lamay, Devinia – all da fa’afafine making like da
real kirls making da jealous (no alofa no alofa only jealous) Alofa don’t even
care alofa don’t even look Alofa twirling on da dance floor showing her alofa
to da Palagi mans showing her alofa to da Samoan mans.
Alofa making alofa in da Seaside Inn with da Palagi man name Bruce...Alofa
singing and singing in da Seaside Inn in da dark Alofa singing...Alofa ia te oe
Bruce. Alofa is te oe.
Alofa on da bus – Pacific Destiny Buss – da bus to Alofa’s village in da kuā-back
...Jesus hanging in da bus hanging from da mirror in da bus watching Alofa
all da way to home...Fea lou alofa Alofa? Fea lou alofa?
Da father of Alofa send her to da faifeau (who is also da uncle of Alofa)...da
faifeau make her da black eye and da big lip an da fula on her maka in front all
da peoples...Alofa you make us shame. Alofa you make us want to throw
you to da shark. Alofa you da pig-kirl. Alofa you da pa’umuku kirl.
Long time an Alofa get up early Alofa go for da walk...Alofa walking far far
to da bush and lie down under da tree...Alofa is crying an crying Alofa is
screaming an screaming Alofa is holding an holding her stomach an da blood is
coming an when it’s finish – Alofa call it Alofa too.
from Wild Dogs Under My Skirt (Wellington: VUP)