Nau mai, haere mai ki te kete whiti o Aotearoa
Welcome to the New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) at the University of Auckland
The New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre ( nzepc) is a project based at the University of Auckland building an electronic gateway to poetry resources in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Pacific region. It aims to coordinate existing archival and publishing information, and to present some full-text electronic publication of poetry and commentary in consultation with authors and their publishers. nzepc also promotes live poetry events as and when resources permit and is committed to extending and documenting locations for poetry in the digital environment and its real-world counterpart. The site was established in July 2001.
nzepc is coordinated and maintained by Michele Leggott (English and Drama) and Jacob Powell (Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services), with the support of Te Tumu Herenga, Auckland University Press and the Faculty of Arts. We are grateful for the cooperation and assistance of the poets whose work appears on the site.
The nzepc board in 2020 consists of Michele Leggott (chair), Makyla Curtis, Murray Edmond, Brian Flaherty, Selina Tusitala Marsh, Jacob Powell and Lisa Samuels.
Contact us with queries or comments.
nzepc material is copyright. It is
made available here without charge for personal use only. It may not
be stored, displayed, published, reproduced, or used for any other purpose
without permission.
Here are the sections you will find in nzepc. You can also Search nzepc from the homepage.
- authors
Resource pages for information about selected poets from New Zealand and the Pacific region, with some full-text electronic publication. Each page includes a photo, bibliography and biographical notes, poems and prose by the poet, and selected critical and audiovisual material. These pages are developed in consultation with each poet (or his/her/their estate) and the relevant publishers.
- digital poetry
A chronology and examples of digital poetry in Aotearoa/New Zealand since 1995; also links to selected poets’ blogs, net/art text, critical resources and software tools.
- essays & interviews
A selection of full-text commentary, research and criticism by poets and critics and links to existing online material.
- features
A selection of nzepc-edited pages featuring poets and poetry with an Aotearoa/New Zealand connection. nzepc symposiums are documented here.
- ka mate ka ora: a new zealand journal of poetry and poetics
nzepc’s refereed journal, established 2005 and edited by Murray Edmond
- opening the archive
A guide to poetry-related materials in the libraries and manuscript collections of Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Pacific region.
- pasifika
Representation of Pacific poetry with an emphasis on audiovisual resources, coordinated by Selina Tusitala Marsh.
- six pack sound
A collection of recordings by poets working in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Pacific region, with notes by poets on their selections.
- tapa notebooks
A collection of manuscript notebooks generated by nzepc activities and housed in Special Collections at the University of Auckland.
- The Poetry Project
Michael King Writers’ Centre at nzepc, bringing communities together through poetry. Resources for schools and documentation of student work.
- about us
- events
A record of nzepc's live events, with posters and photographs.
- links
E-zines, poetry sites, e-books, publishers and contact details for print and e-publishing.
A selection of online poetry resources relating to Aotearoa/New Zealand practices, and some international poetry sites. The list is in two parts: (1) sites with full-text electronic publication of poems, and (2) sites for print resources.
- what’s new?
A list of recent additions to the site. Use this as a quick-reference point as you arrive.
nzepc home page images by kind permission of Richard Killeen.