new zealand electronic poetry centre

k a   m a t e   k a   o r a  

a new zealand journal of poetry and poetics


Ka Mate Ka Ora is named after New Zealand’s best-known poem, Te Rauparaha’s haka, composed in 1822. Robert Sullivan elucidates its history in our first issue December 2005.

The journal is part of the New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) and is based at the University of Auckland. It will publish substantial essays (6,000 – 10,000 words), review articles, historical reappraisals, close readings, shorter notices and mixed genre criticism in the area of poetry and poetics. We intend to provide a site for discourse and debate about New Zealand poetry. We will not consider contributions of poems for publication nor will we publish short reviews of books of poems. All submissions will be sent to referees for assessment and comment.

We welcome contributions from poets, academics, essayists, teachers and students from within New Zealand and overseas. ‘ New Zealand’ is interpreted broadly in our journal to include expatriate and immigrant writers. New Zealand is seen as a particular locality, community, context or provocation for poetry, but within this site there is a diversity of poetic activities (the poetry discussed need not be explicitly ‘about’ New Zealand).

We aim to post two issues per calendar year. The journal is edited by Murray Edmond with the assistance of Hilary Chung, Michele Leggott, Lisa Samuels, the board of nzepc and a group of consulting and contributing editors. Proposals for guest editorships will be considered.

scope and style

Ka Mate Ka Ora: A New Zealand Journal of Poetry and Poetics will present critical writing in a variety of modes. These include:

  • theoretical and analytic essays on individual poets or significant volumes, on schools or movements, on theoretical angles or historical moments
  • close readings of individual poems or sequences or books
  • talks about poetry or poetics
  • short comments, squibs, news
  • archival material with commentary
  • discourse which mixes critical and creative modes
  • correspondence and editorial notes

We are happy to accept work in a number of styles, particularly if the demands of one mode (eg. a talk) are quite different from another (close reading); however we require consistency of style and referencing within each submission. In general we encourage the use of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (6th ed.) with the following recommendations:

  • format submissions as Word documents or PDFs and send to Murray Edmond,
  • double or 1½ line spacing with double spacing between paragraphs
  • long vowels marked by macrons
  • book and journal titles italicised
  • full address (URL) for web references rather than embedded links

There is a useful guide to style sheets, with examples, at UC Berkeley’s Teaching Library

We will consider relevant visual or audio material with submissions. Copyright clearance for use of all materials in an accepted submission is the responsibility of the author.

editorial and design


Murray Edmond

assistant editors

Hilary Chung     
Michele Leggott
Lisa Samuels   

consulting and contributing editors

Wystan Curnow U of Auckland
Michelle Keown U of Edinburgh, Scotland
Bill Manhire International Institute of Modern Letters, Victoria U of Wellington
Philip Mead U of Western Australia
Paul Millar Victoria U of Wellington
John Newton Independent
Chris Prentice U of Otago
Jack Ross Massey U at Albany
Lisa Samuels U of Auckland
Sarah Shieff U of Waikato
Ian Wedde Independent
Albert Wendt Independent

nzepc board

Hilary Chung, Murray Edmond, Sam Elworthy, Brian Flaherty, Michele Leggott, Selina Tusitala Marsh, Peter Simpson, Robert Sullivan


Images courtesy of Richard Killeen from Codex 147 Cuba Street ( Auckland: Peter McLeavey Gallery / Workshop Press, 2000)


Brian Flaherty


Design and set-up of Ka Mate Ka Ora was assisted by research funding from the University of Auckland English Department.

about | contributors

Last updated 13 September, 2010