1.1 You are invited to submit either '1,000 words' or 'a picture' to issue #7 of Ka Mate Ka Ora.
1.2 The format for this issue will be a montage of these contributions to create a virtual colloquium round the proposition.
2.1 Various aspects of poetry activity could be addressed: writing, publishing, other forms of presentation, reviewing, critiquing, clarifying, theorizing.
2.2 Problems of the use of poetry such as representation, nonsense, and presentation, saying and showing, might equally be encompassed.
3.1 What a picture is depends on how you use that word.
3.2 Maybe a word is a thing that poetry can speak of isomorphically.
4.1 All contributions will be of equal value
4.2 Contributions will be refereed
“The picture is a model of reality”
“What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence”
“What can be shown cannot be said” - Ludwig Wittgenstein