new zealand electronic poetry centre


Tapa Notebooks


Helen Sword’s Tapa Notebook
(selections at The Stoneflower Path)

Helen Sword teaches at the University of Auckland and has published widely on modernist literature and culture, digital poetics, educational development and academic writing. Her digital poetry can be found at The Stoneflower Path.

Helen Sword writes:

In 2007 I took a Tapa Notebook on a six-week round-the-world journey to Budapest, London, Paris, San Francisco and home again to Auckland, writing a new poem every day. Knowing that the notebook would be preserved in Special Collections and digitised on nzepc, I included poems that anticipate and subvert their own fate as archival artefacts. The notebook contains organic matter – butter, blackberry seeds, wine – calculated to degrade its pages, as well as textual matter – shaped poems, sound poems, poems with forking paths – calculated to resist the totalising influence of print. By clicking on the icons at the bottom of each page, readers can experience the notebook poems as static texts, audio recordings and/or interactive multimedia hypertexts.


Lounge 20, 26 May 2011
(credit: Tim Page)

Tapa notebook and the POTP class, 2008.
(credit: Tim Page)

HOME & AWAY, Auckland
(credit: Tim Page)

Last updated 20 July, 2011