new zealand electronic poetry centre


Tapa Notebooks


Australian poet Cath Kenneally makes Arts Breakfast each Saturday for Radio Adelaide at the University of Adelaide and is the producer of Writers’ Radio, a weekly books and writing programme nationally distributed on the Community Broadcasting Network. Her most recent book is the novel Jetty Road (Wakefield, 2009).

Cath and her partner Ken Bolton visited the University of Auckland in September 2006. Both poets read at STRATA #9, made videos for nzepc in Albert Park, and were presented with Tapa Notebooks. Cath returned hers in person at HOME & AWAY 2010, nzepc’s trans-Tasman poetry symposium, after giving a talk about the compositional processes of her extended sequence eaten cold, drafts of which appear in the notebook. Her acknowledgement of Janet Charman’s cold snack (Auckland UP, 2007) as a source text is central to the poems and symptomatic of the poet’s interest in (and connections with) New Zealand poetry and poets.

Cath Kenneally reads at HOME & AWAY 2010 in Sydney Cath Kenneally reads in Albert Park, Auckland, September 2006



Cath Kenneally at HOME & AWAY 2010
in Auckland



Last updated 13 July, 2011