new zealand electronic poetry centre


L A U R I E   D U G G A N 

Tapa Notebooks




Australian poet Laurie Duggan read and spoke at the University of Auckland 23-24 March 2006. He gave an autobiographical talk ‘Amaze Your Friends!’ which subsequently appeared in ka mate ka ora #2. Laurie was presented with a Tapa Notebook and read with local poets and student writers at STRATA #5. Next day he recorded a selection of poems for nzepc archives; a video feature was posted September 2006 during the visit to Auckland of Australian poets Ken Bolton and Cath Kenneally.

Laurie Duggan’s most recent book is The Passenger (U of Queensland P, 2006). He was Writer in Residence in the School of Arts, Media and Culture at Griffith University, Queensland, 2005-06 and relocated to Kent, England, in August 2006. His Tapa Notebook (actually spiral-bound and silver-inlaid) records the period of transition in a series of observations that coalesce into a long poem.

Full text of Laurie Duggan Tapa Notebook August 2006-December 2006 [PDF: 200KB]




   The Square, Market Street

   The Sun Inn, West Street



Last updated 27 July, 2023