short takes on long poems
   n z e p c

                        A Trans Tasman Symposium at the University of Auckland, 29-30 March 2012



Where does the contemporary long poem locate itself in physical and digital space? How do we present long forms to each other in the round and on the web? The New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) and visiting American poet Rachel Blau DuPlessis hosted two days of talks and performances at the University of Auckland 29 - 30 March 2012 culminating in a long poem collaboration on Oneroa beach, Waiheke Island.

We were interested in short long poems and long short poems; in epic and seriality; in the book-length or site-specific poem.  We wanted to be surprised, diverted and delighted by what our speakers would  bring to points of exchange before, during and after the symposium.

We asked  for alternative presentational forms such as posters, collaborations, combinations of poetry and poetics, short critical rubrics, audio or visual or audio-visual works, lists, scores, and heuristics.  Presenters were free to perform or critique part of a long poem, their own or someone else’s, in the fifteen minutes assigned to each presentation. 

SHORT TAKES ON LONG POEMS continues the exchange of trans Tasman conversation about contemporary poetry and poetics begun in 2010 with HOME & AWAY. (Auckland and Sydney) and continued in 2011 with Poetry and the Contemporary (Melbourne). We hope the web renditions presented here will stimulate further response and lead to future opportunities for extending our collective knowledge of the local fields which make up an international colloquy.

Michele Leggott, Robert Sullivan and Lisa Samuels
University of Auckland, July 2012

Rachel Blau Duplessis
Rachel Blau DuPlessis
Pam Brown
Pam Brown
Stephanie Christie
& Alex Taylor
Jacob Edmond
Jacob Edmond
Toby Fitch
Toby Fitch
Bernadette Hall & Dinah Hawken
Bernadette Hall
& Dinah Hawken
Ya-Wen Ho
Ya-Wen Ho
David Howard
David Howard
Jill Jones
Jill Jones
Lucas Klein
Lucas Klein
Cilla McQueen
Cilla McQueen
  Philip Mead
Philip Mead
Sam Moginie and Andy Carruthers
Sam Moginie &
Andy Carruthers
Ella O'Keefe
Ella O’Keefe
Jack Ross
Jack Ross
Susan Schultz
Susan Schultz
Hazel Smith
Hazel Smith
Robert Sullivan
Robert Sullivan
& John Adams
John Tranter
John Tranter
Ann Vickery
Ann Vickery
Jessica Wilkinson
Jessica Wilkinson




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Last updated 22 May, 2024