new zealand electronic poetry centre

S O N J A   Y E L I C H


The bluffer's guide

If you start the day with a bike
You’ve wasted the morning
If you start lunch with a radio
You’ve wasted the batteries
If you start swimming the foveaux strait
You’ve wasted your breath
If you start the news with a bomb
You’ve wasted pedestrians
If you start your breakfast with a happy meal
You’ve wasted your stomach
If you drink coke
You’ve wasted plastic
If you start a hive
You’re wasting a queen
If you’ve started drinking
You’ve wasted your anger
If you’ve started eating dinner on your lap
You’ve wasted your table
If you’ve started blow vac on the leaves
You’ve wasted your sweeping
If you’ve started eating & texting
You’ve wasted your food & thumb
If you’ve started a subscription
You’ve wasted postage
If you’ve started your car
You’ve wasted your clutch
If you’ve started pilates
You’ve wasted a mat & a hall
If you’ve opened your mouth
You’ve wasted your spit

Last updated 10 May, 2006