The Moral is the Swan
Ping is the duck who gets left behind
in China and wakes 100 years from now,
the Rumpelstiltskin of ducks and then
a snake had to come in
and turn to dollars.
I don’t like Snakes but they’re nice
in a poem, they’re quite bogan.
I like holograms too, like Ping is a hologram
and Pingers is money, like the shags
Ping meets are just service birds
with slave rings round their necks.
Wait, it should be Rip Van Winkle
we asked the others.
Also Ping is a naughty book
it’s as bad as Sambo but O
what I wouldn’t give for tiger butter,
in the new edition the tigers still
turn to butter but Sambo’s not Sambo
he’s Little Rajani
he still has the shoes with crimson linings.
My son always asks why the crimson linings
but there is no reason and we still have
to do something about the snake
and when will the swan come in.
How about the snake is Aaron’s rod?
and the precursor of the dollar sign
cursor resonates with me
and so do the swans.