Not everyone can get to everything in real time; and then there is poetry. The New Zealand Electronic Poetry Centre (nzepc) presents HOME & AWAY 2010, a trans Tasman poetry symposium dedicated to generating work and conversation face to face and in the global/digital neighbourhood. We want to talk about (and produce more) literary connections between Australia, New Zealand and the world of 21st century poetry.
We are planning a two-part symposium in Auckland and Sydney. We will host readings, launches and forum-style talks at the University of Auckland 30-31 March and celebrate the publication of Steal Away Boy: Selected Poems of David Mitchell (Auckland UP). During the March event we will also establish a digital bridge and invite poets and others to start from one end with a contribution (text, images, audio or video). Further contributions to the bridge will be uploaded as the symposium convenes at the University of Technology, Sydney 1-2 September. In this way we hope to create two-way traffic between points in time and places where people meet.
Let us know if you would like to attend HOME & AWAY 2010 (March or September) and check out how to contribute to the digital bridge. Our resources are as usual slender but in the spirit of past nzepc symposiums (3RD BIRTHDAY 2004, FUGACITY 2005 and BLUFF 2006) we will do our best to accommodate expressions of interest.
For an earlier example of nzepc activity offshore, see LOVE, WAR & LAST THINGS: A DIGITAL BRIDGE FOR FLORENCE (2008).
Pam Brown, Martin Edmond, Brian Flaherty and Michele Leggott
8 March 2010
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