new zealand electronic poetry centre


Sonja Yelich

Fugacity 05
Online Poetry Anthology


The memory of Alice trembling- for India

All around the wind was a Switzerland

At the duckpond India was an Alice falling.

She fell to the reach of no rabbit - alas a goose

& a flock of geese. Look – she paled like

Alice who was written by Lewis – those geese

Are the look of nappies - & where do they carry

Their hands. Being just a metre & a bit is not 

Much. Nor much of a stretch. Even as she spoke

the lake was all fake. & up high where the clouds

loosened lo! A moon of a thing on the go & a sun

to boot. The willows which grow goodenough near water

were corkscrew & shedding. About were the cuts of

skateboards or the scooter & the asphalt on the hills

& the rollerblades turning over. Through the mesh in a fence

I kid you not – a lion. Near where the lines for 

Sweets or the people cooking their squid stood.

A lion of a thing in the deepest of any park is a mess.

& Alice rose – tired from her drop & began on her thumb –

the suck.

Last updated April 27, 2005