new zealand electronic poetry centre

Kay McKenzie Cooke

 Capital of the minimal  


Kay McKenzie Cooke (1953-) was born in Southland of Kati Mamoe, Ngati Kahungunu, Cockney and Northern Irish descent. She lives in Dunedin, where she writes (almost) full-time, occasionally relief teaching in the early childhood sector. Her debut collection feeding the dogs (Otago University Press, 2002) won the Jessie MacKay Award for Best First Book of Poetry in the 2003 Montana Awards. She writes that this work explores ‘the sense of isolation that I felt living on a farm in Otama Valley, with tussock-covered hills and no shops and bus trips to school.’


feeding the dogs (Otago University Press, 2002)
View of a Skipping Stone: Fusebox 2
(Rattapallax Press, 2003)


© Kay McKenzie Cooke  2004


Last updated 11 July, 2004