new zealand electronic poetry centre


Yang Lian

publications & biography

Yang Lian Bibliography

Jacob Edmond University of Otago

Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Maghiel van Crevel for his help with certain bibliographical details relating to Yang’s unofficial publications in China and Hilary Chung for her comments on drafts of this bibliography.


Primary Materials

Journals and Magazines

Yang Lian 楊煉 . “Anthem.” Trans. Li Xijian, and James Newcomb. Prairie Schooner 65.2 (1991): 80.

- - - . “Burial Ground: From the Poem-Cycle ‘Banpo.’” Trans. Pang Bingjun, John Minford and Sean Golden. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine 23 (1985): 149-52.

- - - . “Dahai tingzhi zhi chu” 大海停止之處 [Where the Ocean Stands Still]. Jintian 今天 [Today] 2 (1994): 137-48.

- - - . “Darknesses.” Trans. Brian Holton. Index on Censorship 26.5 (1997): 98-101.

- - - . “Dongri huayuan” 冬日花園 [Garden on a Winter’s Day]. Xiandai Han shi 現代漢詩 [Modern Chinese Poetry] 1 (1991): 1-3.

- - - . “Fangjian li de fengjing” 房间里的风景 [Landscape in a Room] Renmin wenxue 人民文学 3 (1988).

- - - . “Gelafudun qiao” 格拉夫頓橋 [Grafton Bridge]. Xiandai Han shi 現代漢詩 [Modern Chinese Poetry] 1 (1991): 3-4.

- - - . “Geya yi sheng de zui hou fangjian” 戈雅一生的最後房間 [Goya’s Last Room]. 幸存者 Xing cun zhe 1 (1988): 42-4.[1]

- - - . “Hua shen wei shui” 化身為水 [Change the Body into Water]. Xingcunzhe 幸存者 1 (1988): 38-42.[2]

- - - . “Huangyan youxi” 謊言游戲 [The Lying Game]. Xiandai Han shi 現代漢詩 [Modern Chinese Poetry] 1 (1991): 6-7.

- - - . “Norlang.” Trans. Alice Joyce and John Minford. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine 23 (1985): 153-61.

- - - . “Norlang.” Trans. Johanna Lidén and Li Li. Bonniers Litterära Magasin 6 (1988): 399-403.

- - - . “Nuorilang” 諾日朗 [Norlang]. Shanghai wenxue 上海文學 [Shanghai Literature] 5 (1983): 54-7.

- - - . “Qi shi qi di”   其時其地 [That Time, That Place]. Zhongyang ribao 中央日報 12 Mar. 2001: 8.

- - - . “Selections from Bell on the Frozen Lake.” Trans. John Minford, and Seán Golden. Illus. Gan Shaocheng. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine 19-20 (1983): 249-65.

- - - . “Solar tide.” Trans. Tony Barnstone and Newton Liu. Chicago Review 39.3-4 (1993): 290-1.

- - - . “Stoke Newington 即景 .” Shu cheng 书城 10 (2002): 79-80.

- - - . “Tian wen” 天問 [Questions Addressed to Heaven]. Shikan 詩刊 [Poetry] 105 (1984).

- - - .   “Torch Festival: From the Poem Cycle Bell on the Frozen Lake.” Trans. John Minford and Sean Golden. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine 23 (1985): 140-8.

- - - . “Women cong ziji de jiaoyin shang” 我們從自己的腳印上 [We Arise from Our Own Footprints]. Jintian 今天 [Today] 9 (1980): 48-9.

- - - . “Wu ren cheng de xue (zu shi)” 無人稱的雪 ( 組詩 ) [The Snow of Non-Person Singular (A Poem Cycle)]. Jintian 今天 [Today] 4 (1992): 138-42.

- - - . “Zhanzheng jinian guan” 戰爭紀念館 [War Memorial]. Xiandai Han shi 現代漢詩 [Modern Chinese Poetry] 1 (1991): 5-6.

- - - . “Zizaizhe shuo” 自在者說 [The Self Speaks [part one of ]]. Zhongguo 中國 [ China] 7 (1986): 58-60. Rpt. in Wenhua: Zhongguo yu shijie 文化﹕中國與世界 [Culture: China and the World] 1 (1987).

- - - . “Zuoqujia de ta” 作曲家的塔 [The Composer’s Tower]. 今天 [Today] 4 (1995): 197-202.

Books and Parts of Books

Yang Lian 楊煉 . “1989.” Chou, Spence and Cayley.

- - - . “Banpo” 半坡 . Dahai tingzhi zhi chu. 3-28.

- - - . “Birth, Homage to Poetry, Torches, from ‘Norlang.’” Barmé and Minford 246-9.

- - - . Dahai tingzhi zhi chu: Yang Lian zuopin 1982-1997 shige juan 大海停止之處﹕楊煉作品 1982-1997 詩歌卷 . [Where the Sea Stands Still: Works by Yang Lian, 1982-1997 – Poetry]. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi, 1998.

- - - . The Dead in Exile.Trans. Mabel Lee. Canberra: Tiananmen, 1990.

- - - . Huanghun 荒魂 [ Barren Soul]. Shanghai: Shanghai wenxue, 1986.

- - - . Huang 黃 [Yellow]. Beijing: Renmin wenxue, 1989. [Banned and destroyed after the June 4 crackdown.]

- - - . “Landscape in a Room.” Trans. John Minford. Barmé and Minford 398-9.

- - - . Lihun 禮魂 [ Ritualisation of the Soul]. Xi’an: Shaanxi dangdai Zhongguo qingnian shiren, 1985.[3]

- - - . “Masks.” Trans. Mabel Lee. Noth et al 70.

- - - . Mianju yu eyu 面具與鱷魚 : Masks and Crocodile: A Contemporary Chinese Poet and His Poetry . Trans. and intro. Mabel Lee. Illus. Li Liang. Sydney: Wild Peony, 1990.

- - - . “Mu di.” Zhongguo xiandai shi yi bai shou 中國現代詩一白首 [One Hundred Modern Chinese Poems]. Ed. Pang Bingjun, John Minford and Seán Golden. Hong Kong: Shangwu, 1987. 312-7.

- - - . Non-Person Singular: Wu ren cheng 無人稱 . Trans. and afterword Brian Holton. London : Wellsweep, 1994.

- - - . Notes of a Blissful Ghost. Trans. Brian Holton and Eva Hung. Hong Kong: Renditions, 2002.

- - - . “Nuorilang” 諾日朗 [Norlang]. Dahai tingzhi zhichu . 59-72.

- - - . “Nuorilang” 諾日朗 [Norlang]. Menglong 260-4.

- - - . “Nuorilang” 諾日朗 [Norlang]. Lao, Xin shi chao shiji 339-44.

- - - . “Pagoda.” Barmé and Minford 135.

- - - . “Potola.” Barmé and Minford 436-7.

- - - . Ren de zijue 人的自覺 [The Self-Awakening of Man]. Sichuan: Sichuan renmin, 1989. [Banned and destroyed after the June 4 crackdown.]

- - - . “The Ruins of Gandan.” Barmé and Minford 434-5.

- - - . Taiyang yu ren 太陽與人 [The Sun and Man]. With an essay by Dong Yufeng 董宇峰 Changsha: Hunan wenyi, 1991.

- - - . “Tian wen” 天問 [Questions Addressed to Heaven]. Dangdai qingnian 394-9.

- - - . Where the Sea Stands Still: Dahai tingzhi zhi chu 大海停止之處 . Trans. Brian Holton. London: Wellsweep, 1995.

- - - . Where the Sea Stands Still: New Poems: Dahai tingzhi zhi chu 大海停止之處 . Trans. Brian Holton. Newcastle: Bloodaxe, 1999.

- - - . Xingfu guihun shouji: Yang Lian zuo pin 1998-2002—shige, sanwen, wenlun 幸福鬼魂手記﹕楊煉作品 1988-2002– 詩歌﹐散文﹐文論 [Happy Ghost Notes: Works by Yang Lian, 1998-2002—Poetry, Short Prose, Essays]. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi, 2003.

- - - . Yi . Trans. Mabel Lee. Los Angeles: Green Integer, 2002.

- - - . Yueshi de qi ge ban ye 月蝕的七個半夜 [The Seven Midnights of the Lunar Eclipse]. Taipei: Lianhe wenxue, 2002.

Yang Lian, and Jiang He. “The Burden.” Barmé and Minford. 36-7.


Hoshino, Chiho. 死詩人的城 City of Dead Poets with Selected Poems by Yang Lian . CD-ROM. Ludwigshafen/Rhein: Cyberfection, 2000.

Essays and Interviews

Bailly, Jean Cristophe, Erik Steinbrecher, Yang Lian, Catherine David, and Paul Virilio. Documenta X Documents 1. Ostfildern-Ruit: Cantz Verlag, 1996.

Cayley, John, and Yang Lian. “Hallucination and Coherence.” Positions 10.3 (2002): 273-84.

Chen Shizheng “The Fate of Tang Xianzu.” Interview with Yang Lian. Index on Censorship 27.6 (1998): 141-5.

Yan Li, Yang Lian, and Zhang Er. “A Dialogue: Yan Li, Yang Lian, and Zhang Er.” Interview with Leonard Schwartz. Trafika (Summer 1994): n.p.

Yang Lian. “Chuantong yu women” 傳統與我們 . Lao, Qingnian 69-73. Trans. as “Tradition and Us.” Trans. Ginger Li. Trees on the Mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing . Ed. Stephen C. Soong and John Minford. 69-73. Trans. as “Traditionen och vi.” Trans. Agneta Westerdahl. Bonniers Litterära Magasin 6 (1988): 404-6.

- - - . “Chenmo zhi men: yu Uwe Kolbe jixu duihua” 沉默之門﹕與 Uwe Kolbe 繼續對話 [T he Silent Door: An Ongoing Dialogue with Uwe Kolbe]. Guihua. 230-5.

- - - . “Concerning ‘Norlang.’” Trans. Alisa Joyce and John Minford. Renditions 23 (1985): 162-3.

- - - . “Cong ‘Dahai tingzhi zhi chu’ kaishi” 從大海停止之處開始 [Beginning from “Where the Sea Stands Still”]. Interview with Peng Lun 彭倫 . Wenhui dushu zhoubao 文匯讀書週報 [Wenhui Book Review] 9 Feb. 2004. Rpt. in Shi shenghuo 詩生活 [Poem Life]. 2004. 28 Feb. 2004 <>.

- - - . “ Dichtung in Wechselwirkung mit der Welt.” Trans. Sabine Peschel. Hefte fur Ostasiatische Literatur 12 (1992): 53-7.

- - - . “Diyici huigu” 第一次回顧 [A First Look Back]. Dangdai wenxue yanjiu 當代文學研究 [Contemporary Literary Research] 8 (1981): 18-21.

- - - . “The First To Go.” Index of Censorship 26.1 (1997): 174-5.

- - - . “Ghost Speak.” Trans. H. R. Lan and Jenny Dennerline. Renditions 46 (1996): 92-102.

- - - . “Ghost Talk.” Trans. Charles A. Laughlin. Wang and Tai.

- - - . “Guihua” 鬼話 [Lies/Ghost Speak]. Guihua: Zhili. 15-20. Trans. as “Ghost Speak” and “Ghost Talk.”

- - - . Guihua 鬼話 [Lies/Ghost Speak]. Taipei: Lian jing, 1994.

- - - . Guihua: Zhili de kongjian: Yang Lian zuopin 1982-1997 sanwen, wenlun juan 鬼話﹕智力的空間﹕楊煉作品 1982-1997 散文﹐文論卷 [Ghostspeak/Lies: Intellectual Space: Works by Yang Lian, 1982-1997 – Short Prose and Essays]. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi, 1998.

- - - . “Huanxiang kongjian xiezuo” 幻象空間寫作 [Writing of Mirage Space]. Guihua 176-86.

- - - . Interview. “ Political Influence New York: Chinese Dissidents and Foreign Policy.” Asian Diaspora . Part 3. BBC World Service. 30 Aug. 2002.

- - - . “Jipin” 祭品 [The Sacrifice] Jintian 今天 [Today] 4 (1992). 237-42.

- - - . “Ku wang shu” 哭忘書 [The Book of Crying and Forgetting]. Guihua. 8-11.

- - - . “Leaving the 20th Century.” Trans. Ben Carrdus. Index on Censorship 29.3 (2000): 186-94. Rpt. as “Return to Beijing.” New Left Review 4 (2000): 37-48.

- - - . “Living in the Now and Forever.” Trans. John Cayley. Times Literary Supplement 25 Oct. 1996: 14.

- - - . “Lyrik als Raum der Intelligenz.” Trans. Henrik Jager. Die Horen: Zeitschrift fur Literatur, Kunst und Kritik 34.3 (1989): 147-52.

- - - . “Mad Dog Tipster.” Interview with Huang Yumin. Trans. Simon Kirby. Index on Censorship 26.1 (1997): 169-73.

- - - . “Market Lines.” Trans. John Cayley. Index on Censorship 1 (1997): 74-9.

- - - . “Mo jing” 磨鏡 [The Polished/Worn Mirror]. Guihua 187-94.

- - -   . “Mountain.” Trans. Mabel Lee. Renditions 46 (1996): 84-91.

- - - . “Poet without a Nation.” Trans. Brian Holton. Index on Censorship 26.3 (1997): 152-5. Rpt. in Contemporary Chinese Art and the Literary Culture of China. Catalog, Lehman College Art Gallery, 29 Sep. 1998 – 15 Jan 1999; Fisher Gallery, Bard College, 1 – 28 Feb. 1999, Lehman College Art Gallery, 1999. 61-2.

- - - . “Shi, quxiao shijian” 詩﹐取消時間 [Poetry, the Annihilation of Time]. Guihua. 276-86.

- - - . “Shiren Yang Lian fang tan lu” 詩人楊煉訪談錄 [A Record of Poet Yang Lian’s Visit and Conversation]. Interview with Gu Ding 谷丁 . Xinwen ziyou daoji 新聞自由導極 7 Feb. 1992: 3.

- - - . “A Stranger to Yourself: Ways of Becoming an Other: An Interview with Yang Lian.” Interview with J. Cayley. New Formations 40 (2000): 15-29.

- - - . “Tan shi.” 談詩 [A Discussion of Poetry]. Lao, Qingnian 74.

- - - . “Those Who Cannot Return Have Come Home.” Index on Censorship 5 (1999): 190-4.

- - - . “Tongxin yuan” 同心圓 [Concentric Circles]. Guihua . 311-20.

- - - . “Weishenme yiding shi sanwen: Guihua zixu” 為什麼一定是散文﹕鬼話自序 [Why It Has To Be Essays: Introduction to Ghost Speak/Lies]. Guihua 3-7. Rpt. of Jintian 今天 [Today] 1 (1994).

- - - . “What We Think of America.” Granta 77 (2002): 56-7.

- - - . “Wode xuanyan” 我的宣言 [My Manifesto]. Fujian wenxue 福建文學 1 (1981): 60-1.

- - - . “Women yinggai you Tianwen de jingshen: Shiren Yang Lian tan Zhongguo de yanlun kongzhi” 我們應該有 “ 天問 ” 的精神﹕詩人楊煉談中國的言論控制 [We Should Have Questioning Minds: Poet Yang Lian Talks about Controls on Expression]. Interview with Wang Yu 王渝 . Human Rights Tribune: Ren yu ren quan 人與人權 3.1 (1992): 32-5.

- - - . “The Writer and the Party.” Times Literary Supplement Nov. 6 1998: 18-20.

- - - . “Tradition and Us.” Trans. of “Chuantong yu women.” Trees on the Mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing . Ed. Stephen C. Soong and John Minford. Hong Kong: Chinese UP, 1984. 69-73.

- - - . “Xunzhao zuowei liuwang yuanxing de shi” 追尋作為流亡原型的詩 [The Search to Make Prototypical Exile Poetry]. Unpublished essay, 2001.

- - - . “Yi ge ren de chengshi” 一個人的城市 [The City of One Person]. Guihua. 27-32.

- - - . “Zhili de kongjian” 智力的空間 [ The Space of Intellect]. Lao, Qingnian 75-80.

- - - . “Zhongguo wenxue de zhengzhi shenhua: Zhongguo chuantong wenhua xiandai zhuan xi de kunjing” 中國文學的政治神話 ── 中國傳統文化現代轉型的困境 [The Political Mythology of Chinese Literature: The Predicament of Traditional Chinese Culture’s Modern Transformation]. Kaifang 開放 134 (1998): 88-91.

- - - . “Zhongwen zhinei” 中文之內 [Inside the Chinese Language]. 今天 [Today] 1 (1998).

- - - . “Zijue de shiren: fanhui yu chuzou” 自覺的詩人﹕返回與出走 [Poet of Consciousness: Return and Departure]. Guihua 298-310.

- - - . “Zizaizhe shuo” 自在者說 [The Self Speaks]. Zhongguo 中國 7 (1986): 58-60.

Yang Lian, and Gao Xingjian. “Piaobo shi women huode le shenme? Yang Lian he Gao Xingjian de duihua” 漂泊使我們獲得什麼﹖楊煉和高行健的對話 [What Have We Gained from Wandering? A Dialogue between Yang Lian and Gao Xingjian]. Yang, Guihua 323-67.

Yang Lian, and Fredric Jameson. “Zhongguo xiandai zhuyi shige yu xifang houxiandai zhuyi wenhua piping” 中國現代主義詩歌與西方後現代主義文化批評 [Chinese Modernist Poetry and Western Postmodernist Cultural Criticism]. Zhongguo dangdai wenhua yishi 中國當代文化意識 [Contemporary Chinese Cultural Consciousness]. 222-31.

Yang Lian, and You You 友友 . Renjing, guihua: Yang Lian, You You haiwai piaobo mao ji 人景﹐鬼話﹕楊煉﹐友友海外漂泊毛記 [Human Background, Ghostspeak/Lies: Yang Lian and You You’s Partial Notes on Overseas Exile]. Beijing: Zhongyang, 1994.

Yang Lian, et al. “Yidong de sixiang” 移动的思想 [The Thought of Movement]. Furong 芙蓉 3 (2003).

Wei Jing Sheng. “The Taste of the Spider.” Interview with Yang Lian. Index on Censorship 27.3 (1998): 30-9.


Barmé, Geramie, and John Minford, eds. Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience. New York: Hill and Wang, 1988.

Chen-Andro, Chantal, Annie Curien, and Bei Dao, eds. Quatre poètes chinois:Beidao, Gu Cheng, Mangke, Yang Lian. Trans. Chantal Chen-Andro and Annie Curien Plombières-les-Dijon: Ulysse, Fin de siècle, 1991.

Dangdai qingnian shuqingshi sanbaishou 當代青年抒情詩三白首 [Three Hundred Lyrical Poems by Contemporary Young Poets] . Guizhou: Renmin, 1985.

Lao Mu, ed. Qingnian shiren tan shi 青年詩人談詩 [Young Poets Talk about Poetry]. Beijing: Beijing daxue wusi wenxue, 1985.  

- - - , ed. Xin shi chao shiji 新詩潮詩集 [A Collection of New Wave Poetry]. Beijing: Weiminghu congshu, 1985.

Menglong shi xuan 朦朧詩選 [An Anthology of Chinese Misty Poetry]. Shenyang: Liaoning chun feng wenyi, 1985.

Morrow, Bradford, ed. New World Writing. Annandale-on-Hudson : Bard College, 1994.

Noth, Jochen, Wolfger Pöhlmann, Kai Reschke, Andreas Schmid, eds. China Avant-Garde: Counter-Currents in Art and Culture. Berlin: Haus der Kulturen, 1993.

Soong, Stephen C., and John Minford, eds. Trees on the Mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing . Hong Kong: Chinese UP, 1984.

Wang, David Der-wei , and Jeanne Tai, eds. Running Wild: New Chinese Writers. New York: Columbia UP, 1994.

Wood, Harriet Harvey. Banned Poetry. Spec. issue of   Index on Censorship 26.5 (1997).

Wu ren shi xuan 五人詩選 [An Anthology of Five Poets]. Beijing: Zuojia, 1986.

Xiandai shuqing shixuan 現代抒情詩選 [An Anthology of Modern Lyric Poetry]. Fujian: N.p., 1981.

Yeh, Michelle Mi-Hsi, ed. Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry . New Haven: Yale UP, 1993.

Zhao, Henry Y. H., and John Cayley, eds. Abandoned Wine. London: Wellsweep, 1996.

- - - , eds. Under-Sky, Underground. London: Wellsweep, 1994.

Unofficial Books, Unpublished Material and Ephemera

Yang Lian.  [Sign created by author, pronounced “yī”]. [ Beijing]: [mimeographed], [late 1988 or early 1989].[4]

- - - . Banpo: Lihun zhi yi 半坡﹕禮魂之一 [ Banpo: Part One of Ritualisation of the Soul ]. Photocopy of ms. U of Auckland Library.[5]

- - - . “Banpo: Zushi” 半坡﹕組詩 [Banpo: A Poem Cycle]. Ms. Auckland U Lib.

- - - . Dunhuang: Lihun zhi er 敦煌﹕禮魂之二 [ Dunhuang: Part Two of Ritualisation of the Soul ]. Photocopy of ms. U of Auckland Library.[6]

- - - . Haibian de haizi: Sanwen shiji 海邊的孩子﹕散文詩集 [Child by the Sea: A Prose-poetry Collection]. [ Beijing]: [mimeographed], [ 1981 or 1982 ].[7]

- - - . Letter to Mr. Lun. N.d. U of Auckland Library.

- - - . Lihun 禮魂 [ Ritualisation of the Soul]. [ Beijing]: [mimeographed], [1984].[8]

- - - . “Nuorilang” 諾日朗 [Norlang]. Photocopy of ms. U of Auckland Library .[9]

- - - . Taiyang meitian dou shi xinde 太陽 每天都是新的 [There’s a New Sun Every Day], [Beijing]: [mimeographed], [1980 or 1981].

- - - . “Tian wen (Xian zhang): Zushi ‘Qu Yuan’ zhi yi” 天問 ( 先章 ) ﹕ 組詩 “ 屈原 ” 之一 [Questions Addressed to Heaven (Prologue): First Part of Poetry Collection ‘Qu Yuan’]. Ms. U of Auckland Library.

- - - . Tudi 土地 [Earth]. [ Beijing]: [mimeographed], [ January 1980 ].[10]

- - - . “Valley.” Trans. Heather S. J. Steliga. “A Splintered Mirror: A National Tour by Four Chinese Poets May 13 - May 21, 1992 New York, San Francisco, Berkeley, San Jose.” Poster. Berkeley, CA: Okeanos, 1992.

- - - . “Watching Ourselves Set Sail: The Odyssey of Contemporary Chinese Literature.” Trans. Harriet Evans and John Cayley. Unpublished essay, 3 Mar. 1996.[11]

- - - . Wu ren cheng: Yang Lian duan shi xuan ji (1981-1991) 無人稱﹕楊煉短詩選集 [Without Person: Short Poems by Yang Lian (1981-1991)]. N.p: n.p, n.d.

- - - . “Xunzhao zuowei liuwang yuanxing de shi” 追尋作為流亡原型的詩 [The Search to Make Prototypical Exile Poetry]. Unpublished essay, 2001.

Yang Lian and John Minford. Handwritten Notes on “Banpo.” U of Auckland Library.

Yang Lian: Secondary Materials

Books, Articles and Dissertations

Bruno, Cosima. “Contemporary Chinese Poetry in Translation.” Diss. School of Oriental and African Studies. U of London, 2004.

Bu Songshan 卜松山 . “Qu Yuan he bashi niandai Zhongguo zhishifenzi” 屈原和八十年代中國知識分子 [Qu Yuan and Chinese Intellectuals in the 1980s]. Ershiyi shiji 二十一世紀 [Twenty-First Century] 18 (1993): 83-92.

Chen Xiaomei. “‘Misunderstanding’ Western Modernism: The Menglong Movement in Post-Mao China.” Representations   35 (1991): 143-63.

- - - . Occidentalism. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995.

Crevel, Maghiel van. Language Shattered: Contemporary Chinese Poetry and Duoduo. Leiden: Research School CNWS, 1996.

Edmond, Jacob. “Beyond Binaries: Rereading Yang Lian’s ‘Norlang’ and ‘Banpo.’” Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese. (Forthcoming.)

- - - . “Locating Global Resistance: The Landscape Poetics of Arkadii Dragomoshchenko, Lyn Hejinian and Yang Lian.” AUMLA: The Journal of the Australasian Universities’ Language & Literature Association 101 (2004): 71-98.

- - - . “ Writing on the Margins: The Experimental Poetry of Lyn Hejinian, Yang Lian and Arkadii Dragomoshchenko.” Diss. U of Auckland. 2004.

Golden, Seán. “Yang Lian and the Search for Tradition.” The Commonwealth of Chinese Literature: Papers of the Interntional Reisenburg Conference, West Germany, July 1986. Ed. Helmut Martin and Joseph S. M. Lau. N.p.: n.p., 1986. 1-40.

Golden, Seán, and John Minford. “Yang Lian and the Chinese Tradition.” Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences. Ed. Howard Goldblatt. Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1990. 119-37. Trans. as “Yang Lian yu Zhongguo chuantong” 楊煉與中國傳統 . Trans. Zhang Hong and Zhou Fan 張 宏 , 周帆 . Dangdai zhujia pinglun 當代作家評論 [Commentary on Contemporary Writers] 5 (1989).

Goldblatt, Howard, ed. Worlds Apart: Recent Chinese Writing and Its Audiences. Armonk, NY: Sharpe, 1990.

Gu Cheng 顧城 . “‘Menglong shi’ wenda”   朦朧詩問答 [“Obscure Poetry”: Questions and Answers]. Menglong shi lunzheng ji 朦朧詩論證集 [Collection of Obscure Poetry Debates]. Ed. Yao Jiahua 姚家華 . Beijing : Xueyuan, 1989. 316-9.

Gu Ding 谷丁 , interviewer. “Shiren Yang Lian fang tan lu” 詩人楊煉訪談錄 [A Record of Poet Yang Lian’s Visit and Conversation]. Xinwen ziyou daoji 新聞自由導極 7 Feb. 1992: 3.

He Yuhuai. Cycles of Repression and Relaxation: Politico-Literary Events in China 1976-1989. Diss. U of Auckland, 1990. Bochum: Herausgeber Chinathemen, 1992.

Hoffman, Peter. “Gestandnis: Einige Bemerkungen zur Ubersetzung moderner chinesischer Lyrik anhand von Beisspielen aus den Werken von Wen Yiduo, Gu Cheng und Yang Lian.” Orientierungen 2 (1989): 55-75.

- - - . “ Sechs Gedichte und ein Prosatext.” Hefte fur Ostasiatische Literatur 12 (1992): 46-52.

Holton, Brian. Afterword. Yang, Non-Person 119-28.

- - - . “Translating Yang Lian.” Yang, Where the Sea Stands Still 173-91.

Hong Huang 洪荒 .   “Xinshi: Yige zhuanzhe ma?” 新詩﹕ 一個轉折嗎﹖ Jintian 今天 [Today] 3 (1980). Trans. as “The New Poetry: A Turning Point?” Trans. Zhu Zhiyu and John Minford. Trees on the Mountain: An Anthology of New Chinese Writing . Ed. Stephen C. Soong and John Minford. Hong Kong: Chinese UP, 1984. 191-4.

Keretzky, Patricia Eichenbaum. Introduction. Contemporary Chinese Art and the Literary Culture of China. Catalog, Lehman College Art Gallery, 29 Sep. 1998 – 15 Jan 1999; Fisher Gallery, Bard College, 1 – 28 Feb. 1999. New York: Lehman College, 1999. 15.

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Selected Reviews

Chen Dongdong 陳東東 . “Tongxin yuan: Yang Lian de san ben shu” 同心圓﹕楊煉的三本書 [Concentric Circles: Yang Lian’s Three Books]. Rev. of Dahai tingzhi zhichu, Guihua, and Xingfu guihun. Shi shenghuo 詩生活 [Poem Life]. 2004. 28 Feb. 2004 <>.

Davin, Delia. Rev. of Masks and the Crocodile: A Contemporary Chinese Poet and His Poetry. Times Literary Supplement 9 Aug. 1991: 13.

Harris, Peter. Rev. of A Splintered Mirror. Virginia Quarterly Review 67.3 (1991): 455-77.

Lee, Gregory. Rev. of Liuwang de si chun: The Dead in Exile. China Quarterly 128 (1991): 859.

- - - . Rev. of Masks and Crocodile: A Contemporary Chinese Poet and His Poetry. China Quarterly 126 (1991): 385-6.

Leung, K. C. Rev. of Masks and Crocodile: A Contemporary Chinese Poet and His Poetry. Russian Literature at a Crossroads . Spec. issue of World Literature Today 67.1 (1993): 234.

Louie, Kam. Rev. of Under-Sky, Underground: Chinese Writing Today, No. 1. China Quarterly 146 (1996): 656-7.

Newey, Adam. “Make It New.” Rev. of Where the Sea Stands Still. New Statesman 24 Jan. 2000: 58.

Patton, Simon. Rev. of Wu ren cheng: Non-Person Singular. World Literature Today 69.4 (1995): 871.

Twitchell-Waas, Jeffrey. Rev. of Where the Sea Stands Still. World Literature Today 74. 2 (2000): 354.

Wasserstrom, Jeffrey. “From Red Hope Back to Yellow Peril?” Rev. of Hong Kong Goes Back, ed. Judith Vidal-Hall and Yang Lian. Times Literary Supplement 27 Jun. 1997: 8-9.



1. A copy signed by Yang Lian and dated 27 Feb. 1989 is in the U of Auckland Library.

2. A copy signed by Yang Lian and dated 27 Feb. 1989 is in the U of Auckland Library.

3. A copy signed for Steve Balosh and dated 5 July 1985 with corrections by the author is in the U of Auckland Library.

4. Copy signed by the author with the note: “gei lao ming you 給老明友 John. 煉 89.2.27 [27 February 1989], Aokelan 奧克蘭 [Auckland].  

5. The poems are dated 1982-4. The cover is signed by the author.

6. The poems are dated 1982-4. The cover is signed by the author.

7. Two signed copies, dated 29 Jun. 1982, are in the U of Auckland Library.

8. Four copies are in the U of Auckland Library. One is signed and dated 25 Oct. 1984. One “working copy” is signed and dated 11 Dec. 1984 and includes English notes in red ink [by John Minford].

9. Dated 29 Dec. 1982 to 5 Jan. 1983.

10. A copy is in the U of Auckland Library.

11. A version of this essay was published as “Living in the Now and Forever.”



Last updated 13 October, 2001