new zealand electronic poetry centre

Kendrick Smithyman


Publications & Biography


On-line Works

Collected Poems 1943-1995 (Mudflat WebWorks, 2004)

Closing the Chocolate Factory
 - texts of 20 poems read by Kendrick for video production December 1995.  

Note: These are the poems read by Kendrick Smithyman at his home at 66 Alton Avenue, Northcote, in December 1995 shortly before his death. The reading was filmed under the direction of  Margaret Henley. The poems were selected  by Kendrick in consultation with Margaret Edgcumbe, Mac Jackson, and Peter Simpson. The poems are listed in the order in which he read them. The entries give the title of the poem, followed by the date of composition in square brackets (as given in Kendrick’s papers, Collected Poems [D]). The numbers in square brackets refer to the time occupied by each poem on the videotape, including comments made by Kendrick before and/or after the actual reading of the text.

From Last Poems (Holloway Press)

From Imperial Vistas Family Fictions (Auckland University Press, 2002)

Uncollected Northland Poems (nzepc/brief)

Not as Strangers Do with Hat in Hand (Sport10/NZETC)

Essay, Interview by Kendrick Smithyman

About Kendrick Smithyman


selections from Closing the Chocolate Factory

Smithyman's Collected

Kendrick Smithyman prepared four versions of his Collected Poems. The last one, compiled in the 1990s, contains almost 1200 poems. 


The bulk of Kendrick Smithyman's literary papers were gifted to the University of Auckland in 1997. The estate holds unpublished material and private papers. 


study, typewriter, banana palms
Margaret Edgcumbe, 1996

Last updated 11 May 2001