All things we ask for all the people
Because the people have need of everything...
It’s their work and their strength that produces all things
Who can say what one person is worth?
Who can say that such a one does not deserve
To be called to the table
In the land that gave them birth?
Is there a kindly stranger who will walk us on
Though we are hostage to the fever?
Though our bellies feed on ice?
Though some of us are old?
Though some of us are crazy?
Too mad to tie our shoes
Some of us are children with bones as soft as soap
We pay for our protection but we live
As anonymous as ants
We need guidance
We need a kindly stranger in this affair
The angels stand against us
Pneumonia stands against us
Scarlet fever stands against us
Tuberculosis stands against us in the dark
Our mouths are filled with wire
Every hour ends with a death
Didn’t we call?
Who heard us call when our children were born blind?
Didn’t we call?
Who heard us call?
Didn’t we call? Who heard us call?
People lie who say suffering makes you wise
That anyone can rise
But who wants to be the boss in the empire of the flies?
Yes they lie
They lie
Blood teaches blood
Lonely teaches lonely
Oh kindly stranger lift us up
Kindly stranger can’t you see?
Kindly stranger are you there?
Speak for us
Lie with us hand to hand and mouth to mouth
Make room for us to live
Walk with us kindly stranger
Let there be public welfare
And peace and tranquillity in New Zealand
Kindly stranger hear us call
Didn’t we call? Who heard us call?
Kindly stranger walk us on
Kindly stranger can’t you see?
Kindly stranger are you there?
Alan Brunton, Comrade Savage, 2.2