new zealand electronic poetry centre


Alan Brunton

essays, interviews

Getting It Together

Island Bay, The Newsletter 


RED ROCKS: The rocks were formed about 200 million years ago. They are formed from volcanic lava. The red colour is caused by iron oxide. Maori tradition gives three different explanations for the colour of Pariwhero (= Red Rocks). One is that when Maui used blood from his nose to bait his hook in order to fish up Te Ika A Maui (the North Island), some of the blood fell onto the rocks.

The rocks are associated in most people’s minds with Kupe. In one explanation, Kupe cut his hand on a paua shell and his blood stained the rocks. In another, Kupe’s daughters cut their arms as they lamented his departure for the South.

There were two villages associated with the area - Taumata Patiti east of Sinclair Head and Makurerua on the hills above. Karaka trees indicate occupation.  

Yes, I want to belong to the

Island Bay Residents Association! 

NAME  ..............................................................

ADDRESS ...........................................................…      ..............................................................

PHONE ..................................

I enclose $5.00 annual family subscription.



End of Year Message from The President:

The year is drawing to a close and this is the last Newsletter for 1996. It would be remiss of me to let this time pass without a big ‘Thank you’ to the Committee of the Residents Association. They have worked hard and been loyal to the community. The Association has had a very successful year in terms of assuring its financial stability, its connection with Wellington City council and in defending our environment from  degradation by the greedy and small-minded. Our membership continues to expand with meetings being enthusiastically attended. Our meetings are proving to be a real political training ground!

During the past year, we have had quite a few ex-patients from hospitals and institutional homes take up residence among us. i trust that our community has made them feel welcome. Some of them may be facing a lonely Christmas. Could you please pass on to any in this situation the following invitation:

The Salvation Army Community & Family Services (Newtown) will again in 1996 be serving a Christmas Dinner for families, people on their own and Shut-Ins. Last year, 100 people participated in the dinner and 20 meals were delivered. The time is 12.00 (noon) at the Salvation Army, Constable Street. Anyone wishing to attend the dinner should reserve by calling: 389 0594.

Christmas Samplers are also available for families and individuals who prefer to have Christmas at home.

From myself, Kathy and our family our warmest thanks for the blessings of the past year and our hopes for your Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

                                    Ray Clegg  


Help us to help you!
Return the form below NOW to:  
Treasurer, Island Bay Residents Association
38 High Street, Island Bay


Raucous celebrations in the streets of the Bay last week - Valuation New Zealand announced figures that show average house price in Wellington rising to $212,500, an average increase of $2500. In our area, July-Sept 96, there were 36 sales with price average rising from $174,500 the previous quarter to $189,500!  

The coupons that you filled in earlier this year with regard to specific problems about Council services were dispatched by the Association to Council in September. We have a reply from Trish Ubels (Roading Co-ordinator, Roading Department Commissioning) encouraging members to call 499 4444 for prompt investigation of concerns about local streets and pavements. 

Congratulations to Bryan Pepperell upon election to the City Council in the recent by-election. Will he heed calls from Cr Rex (‘Let’s revisit the issues’) Nicholls to be ‘constructive’ or will he continue to follow his own nose?     

In response to anguished enquiries by several readers: When will The Parade (aka Speed Camera Alley) be resurfaced? The Parade will be ‘shape corrected by qualified personnel in January or February next year.’ The Council is aware of the problems but must wait until Drainage completes its work. The shape correction will eliminate puddles (sorry, kids!) and make the ride smoother.  

Re cleaning beaches: Council’s Parks Business Unit cleans beaches weekly (!) and removes inorganic rubbish but not organic waste such as seaweed, driftwood, shells or dog deposits - except at Oriental Bay.



Island Bay Resource Centre
137 The Parade
Our famous End-of-Year celebration
will follow discussion of proposals for 
a casino in Wellington           
Monday 9 December 7.30 pm
Bring a bottle and/or a plate!

Island Bay Residents Association (Inc.)
December 1996 Newsletter
President: Ray Clegg
Secretary: Annette Moffatt


NEXT MEETING:   Monday  9 December    7.30 pm
Island Bay Resource Centre, 137 The Parade



Weekly Community Activities

9.30-11.30 Playgroup  
11.30-1.00  Line Dancing ($4.50)
1.00-3.00  Craft Group

10.00  Walking Group
3.00-6.00  Youth Group (11-13 yrs)
7.00-8.30  Yoga ($5.00)

10.00-12.00  Dutch Social Group 
12.00-2.00  Scrabble
6.30-9.30  Youth Group (14-18 yrs)

9.30-11.30  Patchwork & Quilting
11.30-1.00  Line Dancing ($4.50)
2.00-4.00  Tea + Chat!
       6.00-8.00  Weight Watchers
8.00  Cards


             10.00-12.00  Mothers Alone 
(1st/3rd Fridays of month)
2.00-4.00  Dad’s Playgroup 


              2nd Sunday  10.00 Rambling Group                     
Book Discussion group 

              Community Group 


              University of the Third Age (contact for details)


Issues start to heat up, soon some animated words get said. Ray Clegg announces strong Island Bay Residents Assn opposition to the ‘no fishing in Island Bay’ of the Marine Reserve folks. Colin says he won’t mind fishing-boats, he wants a tourist attraction. Robert Logan arrives too late to hear all this. Erica Stirling starts to cry as she details how Council housing tenants are joining together to oppose threats to public housing. ‘Be honest and truthful,’ she says and I’m wiping tears away too.

Robin Corner speaks in opposition to any casino - he gives as one reason that rates of rape increase when a town has a casino. The sentiment in the room is strongly anti-casino. From the murmurs, you can tell people are united on this issue. Personally, I like chancing a few chips on the spin of the wheel (but then I love old Kenny Rogers movies too). The Zoological Society says we need a Zoo to make Wellington ‘a better place to live’. Annette King arrives. Hey, anything could happen.

There’s urgent debate about shop encroachments in Newtown. People say that ‘greengrocers’ and ‘people like that’ are taking over the pavements of Newtown! Councillors say there is a policy and a position of Pavement Inspector. Sadly, the situation is vacant. Any volunteers?

An independent consultant is assessing the need for a boat ramp and repairs to the pier in Island Bay. Robert makes a note in his book. A blind man gets up and leaves. Cr Piper asks if everyone who’s still there can read. Darryl speaks to every issue with regard to feelings in Russell Terrace! There will be traffic lights controlling traffic flow around the Basin Reserve by January 1997. The delay is caused by Transit NZ.

Should Residents Associations be funded? New councillor Pepperell states a firm “No!” Collected ResAssn bigwigs suck in breath. The Mayor says he thinks it’s a good idea. Cr Pepperell backtracks, he mutters that the matter  must  “be looked at carefully.”  

Cr Piper leaves to play croquet. I’m gazing at the little slices of pecan tart the Council is giving us for afternoon tea. Roy wants to know about closing the quarry at Owhiro Bay. Cr Wade-Brown tells him ‘the issue is not dead.’ Simon Collins from City Voice makes a note in his book. Outside, you can tell it’s a beautiful day at the Bay. The sun is making the old church windows glow. The Berhampore delegation starts quietly stomping the floor. We want our cup of tea, some of us were up so early we missed breakfast ... Someone wants to know when bicyclists will start paying road-user taxes. The Mayor has no involvement in  Chinese Hot Sauce ... for further information, call 499 4444 ... Hmm, pecan tart ...


The Manawa Karioi Society (named after an historic spring on Island Bay’s western skyline) is continuing efforts to restore native bush above Tapu Te Ranga Marae. if you would like to join in the working bees, phone Maggy Wassilieff (383 6100) regarding the Sunday working bees, or Sally Bowman (389 3580) regarding the regular Wednesday working bees.

To join the Manawa Society, send $5.00 only + details to:

Tapu te Ranga Marae, 44 Rhine Street, Island Bay. 


                            NOTE: A red dot means your subscription has expired. 


‘we serve you’ 
Medway Street, Island Bay

supports the community 
of Island Bay every day:
8.30 am - 9.00 pm


23 NOVEMBER 1996


Saturday morning came in with all alarms ringing as the sun slapped into my eyes: Hi! summer’s here. There was a dull throbbing in the back of my head. Idly, I pushed my fork around a half-fried egg and took in the debris of a heavy night’s television viewing from the night before. Castoff the cat was nosing a few cold chips and colder battered fish. There was a half-empty bottle of chardonnay going pink on the window-sill. The telephone screamed. It was my editor demanding I get to the Southern Ward Meeting immediately. There would be a car, it would toot. I ran a wet flannel over my face. The toot goes toot like fire-crackers in my brain. Too much Eddie Murphy last night ...

The driver was a professional. He asked where I was going. “Newtown,”  I said with a snarl. He turned a whiter shade of pale.  “Newtown? At this time of day?” “Sure,” I said, “It’s a ..., it’s a ward meeting.”

I walked into the Community Centre with my sombrero down over my eyes. There was a smell of power in the room. All the movers from the southern suburbs were there. Berhampore’s shadowy organisation, Resident Action Group, was practising hand signals. Island Bay Residents Assn headman, Ray Clegg, was stylish in an Aerospatiale jacket. The duo from Newtown Residents Assn  was looking casual but the appearance was deceptive, these were hardened people, used to the cut and thrust of public debate. On the stage was a bench. At one end was a laptop computer and at the other was Bryan Pepperell. Above him, a sign: TRUST HOUSES FAMILY. There was another sign too: Absolutely Positively Wellington. Here are my notes:

Councillor Celia Wade-Brown calls us to korero. Also on stage by now, Cr Sue Piper dressed in a sporty blue ensemble. Councillor Sue Kedgeley is introduced as, does she say?, the Chair of Community Confrontations. The Mayor sends an apology because he is ‘with the Greek Pope in Whitby.’

Marie Russell describes her library where people have dignity as human beings as being under attack by user-pays. In the battle to reduce rates, the library is being pushed into ‘business process re-engineering’ or ‘bpr’, a radical kind of user-pays. This will be reviewed next February. The contract calls for performance measures, there will need to be ‘robust indicators’. I could use an aspirin. Cr Piper says “Questions will be asked, and heads will roll ...” The mayor arrives, “Hi, Mark!”, and takes a pew beneath a fire-hose. 


MOTU-HAKU Kainga or Pa 
Trent Street

Type of site: 
Kainga or pa
Iwi / Hapu connections: 
Ngai Tara
Built over
Heritage information:
A kainga ‘at or near Island Bay’ - according to Best - which was occupied at the time of the Muaupoko raid on Wellington - Te Whanganui a Tara. 
Paramount chief of Ngai Tara at that time (sometime after the fourteenth century) was Te Wakanui.   


It is the intention of John Ritson and Caryl-Louise Robinson to deliver a strong presentation to the December meeting of the Island bay Residents Association with regards to making Island Bay ‘child-friendly’. The concept was endorsed at the October meeting and is now  to be put to the community for implementation. 


Residents Assn asked for consultants to liaise directly with the Association over a flood protection scheme. Ray Clegg noted that Karori has received funding of over $1 million towards a similar scheme. 


Under the Dog Control Act, Council has the ability to issue instant fines of $200. People can encourage dog owners to remove the poop. IB Residents Assn favours the ‘pooper-scooper’ by-law as in Palmerston North. Newtown Residents Assn, on the other hand, favours widespread use of the ‘supermarket bag technique.’  


City Council Finance and Corporate Committee rejected (23 September) the staff recommendations to remap land at the end of Quebec Street from Open Space to allow for development and to construct a link road between Quebec and Frobisher Street. Only one councillor Rex Nicholls voted for the staff proposal to re-open the whole issue of developing the skyline. Councillors Piper, Foster, Wade-Brown, Cook, Nef and Barraclough all spoke against the staff recommendations.  


your local Welsh restaurant
163 The Parade, Island Bay

with friendly Welsh staff, cosy cottage atmosphere and hearty home cooking.
Ideal for casual, intimate dining or for special party functions.
Contact Jo or Mike for bookings: 
383 7563.

INTERNET: Any body interested in contributing to or helping develop the Island Bay Internet (Web) Site linking people, talent and ideas, please contact: Tim Jordan, e-mail: 

GET INVOLVED: twenty-six voluntary rangers are being sought by City Council to protect and educate about reserves, parks and Town Belt. Rangers have legal powers to approach people  involved in anti-plant activities and obtain details.  Call the Service hotline - 499 4444. 




Last updated 18 November, 2002